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Tales of the Unexpected


Welcome to

Museum & Tasglann nan Eilean’s exhibition for the

Between Islands Project

We originally planned to show this exhibition at our museums in Lewis and Benbecula but due to

Covid-19 it has been converted into this online resource instead. This exhibition has been created alongside Shetland Museum & Archives and Orkney Museums.

The overall theme of the project was to highlight historical links between the islands, whilst exploring and celebrating modern-day similarities and differences across the three island groups. Each museum has approached the project theme creatively and used it to produce their own exhibition which is inspired by each other’s collections.  Orkney’s exhibition can be found here and Shetland’s here. 

The Between Islands Project is managed by

An Lanntair and funded by LEADER 2014-2020

Tales of the Unexpected

There are many misconceptions about life on the islands of the Outer Hebrides, Shetland and Orkney, in the past and also in the present.  

The islands are often romanticised and seen as a place where time has stood still by those who look at the islands from afar.  Bygone images of thatched cottages, peat-cutting, and women with creels on their backs still remain as people’s fairy-tale idea of what island life is like. 

We are also often seen as being on the edge - of Scotland, of the UK and of the world – remote, isolated and unconnected.  

Although the islands do still hold onto their traditions and cultural heritage as an important part of life, perceptions of not being progressive couldn’t be further from the truth.  We will explore the wonderful blend that is our reality through this exhibition as we draw on innovations, technology, folklore, language and especially the unusual and unexpected!  

What do you think is the most

unexpected thing about the islands?


Gallery :::

Gallery instructions 

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